
“Water Wrangling: Environmental justice advocates are increasingly worrying about how much of the Imperial Valley’s dwindling water supply could go to the emerging lithium industry.”

Politico: California Climate (4/19/2024)

“Sinclair on Blair, ‘Salvaging Empire: Sovereignty, Natural Resources, and Environmental Science in the South Atlantic.’”

H-Environment (4/9/2024)

“In Rush for Lithium, Miners Turn to the Oil Fields of Arkansas.”

Yale Environment 360 (2/29/2024)

“Lithium Valley | Episode 1: The White Gold Rush and Episode 4: Whose Health? Consider the Consequences.”

Electric Futures Podcast, USC Annenberg Center for Climate Journalism and Communication (1/24/2024)

“Book Review: James J. A. Blair, Salvaging Empire: Sovereignty, Natural Resources, and Environmental Science in the South Atlantic.”

The British Journal for the History of Science (12/23/2023)

“Lithium Extraction from Geothermal Brine: Technology and Impacts Expert Briefing”

California Council on Science and Technology (12/15/2023)

“James J. A. Blair, ‘Salvaging Empire: Sovereignty, Natural Resources, and Environmental Science in the South Atlantic’ (Cornell UP, 2023)”

New Books Network (10/13/2023)

“Global demand for lithium is changing Chile's Atacama Desert.”

The World (11/14/2022)

“See how electric cars are changing this South American desert.”

The Washington Post (9/5/2022)

“Featured Q&A: Is Chile Losing Ground to Other Lithium Producers?”

Energy Advisor, The Inter-American Dialogue (9/2/2022)

“El gran agujero de la extracción del litio ¿Cuáles son las opciones en Chile y Bolivia?”

El Ciudadano (8/25/2022)

“Why Lithium Power Politics Are Playing out Very Differently in Chile and Bolivia.”

Peoples Dispatch (8/18/2022)

“Chile’s lithium mining dilemma: Reconciling economic opportunities with environmental concerns.”

Fortune (5/23/2022)

“Why Lithium Mining for EV Batteries Should Be Our ‘Absolute Last Resort’…and biking, walking and transit should come first.”

StreetsBlog USA (5/3/2022)

“Lithium Mining is Leaving Chile’s Indigenous Communities High and Dry (Literally).”

NRDC Dispatch (4/26/2022)

“As Lithium Drilling Advances at the Salton Sea, Researchers Work Out the Details.”

KCET (3/21/2022)

“Chile is in for a mining boom. Could a new constitution prevent environmental catastrophe?”

Grist (1/28/2022)

“Uncharted Horizons: Season 3, Episode 1.”

Learn Through Discovery (11/4/2021)

“California outlaws gas-powered landscaping equipment; campus follows suit.”

The Poly Post (11/2/2021)

“Mining Atop a Massacre.”

Atmos (10/18/2021)

“New political climate: Biden prioritizes rejoining Paris Agreement.”

The Poly Post (11/24/2020)

“Why Advocates are Skipping International Climate Talks to Stand with Chilean Activists.”

Gizmodo (12/4/2019)

“Anthropology in Environmental Advocacy.”

CUNY Graduate Center Alumni Aloud podcast (2/20/2019)

“The Desire to Stop Canadian Tar Sands Transcends Borders.”

NRDC in Action (1/10/2019)

“El Hombre de los Ríos.”

La Segunda (9/21/2018)

“Red por los Ríos Libres manifiesta su rechazo a proyecto hidroeléctrico Alto Maipo.”

Bio Bio Chile (7/20/2018)

“The Rise of Chile’s River Protectors.”

NRDC in Action (7/10/2018)

“Experto internacional critica falta de cuidado de las cuencas chilenas.”

Diario y Radio Universidad de Chile (7/2/2018)

“Política energética para Aysén: organizaciones sociales entregan propuesta al gobierno.”

La Tercera (5/10/2018)

“Chile quiere avanzar en la protección de sus ríos y conservación de sus parques.”

Corresponsables (4/9/2018)

“ONG norteamericana: ‘Hay victorias muy emocionantes como HidroAysén, pero mi preocupación es que sean a corto plazo.”

Soy Chile (El Mercurio) (3/15/2018)

“The Falkland Islands War.”

Latino Media Collective (4/14/2017)